Death is Smiling

We were walking in Carrollton Cemetery yesterday. This is one of the very few cemeteries in New Orleans that has an in-ground portion of the cemetery. This was lying casually on top of a grave.


There’s more than one reason that we use the raised tombs found here in our famous cities of the dead. Our water table is so high that remains often come back up. It’s hard to keep the dead down in this watery place.

Of course we left it alone, but it was a very visceral reminder of what time of year it is. Blessed Samhain and remember, when death smiles at you today and tomorrow, it’s probably not a good idea to smile back.

That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once…

If you want to help the cemeteries here in New Orleans, you can donate or volunteer for Save Our Cemeteries, an organization “dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and protection of New Orleans’ historic cemeteries through restoration, education, and advocacy.”

2 thoughts on “Death is Smiling

  1. brian beasley says:

    Hi Lauren, I read an article of yours recently in which you discussed binding. I am looking for more information, and was wondering if you may be able to offer any guidance. My particular interest at the moment is ourely, scientific? I am interested in the concept of our culture having become unbound, particularly since the atomic bomb. And the splitting of the atom. Thanks. Please send me an email if you can talk.

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